The Human Body
The human body, you will find practical information written by experts about the human body in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
3 articles

If you work in an office or similar environment, it is more than embarrassing to fall asleep on the job. It can mean it is possible you might lose said job. People who work from home may not have the same scrutiny and can get away with a snooze, but your productivity and quality will be affected. Even...

Showering daily is a very important activity for a healthy and clean body, but sometimes our body reacts differently than other people after taking a shower. For some people a hot shower is soothing and relaxing while for others it causes dry flaky skin and dry itchy eyes. If you want to answer the question...

We can make countless gestures using our fingers which, depending on the country we come from, can have a different meaning in another. It helps to know what these gestures mean so as to not surprise anyone by using them in another country. For this reason, this oneHOWTO article will explain what some of...