Vitamin E

What are the benefits of vitamin E

Alice T Breeze
By Alice T Breeze. Updated: January 16, 2017
What are the benefits of vitamin E

Vitamin E is essential for our bodies, it's a powerful antioxidant that helps protection of fat acids in our body and keeps us healthy against some diseases. Because of its properties, it is also known as the vitamin of life and youth, as it helps combating aging cells, favoring skin and hair appearance, but the benefits of vitamin E go much further, discover them and know how your health can benefit.


  1. Powerful antioxidant infections
  2. Helps fight infections
  3. Favours healing
  4. Great protector
  5. Benefits organs widely
  6. Other benefits of vitamin E

Powerful antioxidant infections

This is probably the most popular of all the benefits of vitamin E, protecting our cells from toxic compounds that find their way in our body, fighting free radicals that cause tissue degeneration, that's why it's associated to the youth and beauty of the skin. This way, you'll be able to fight against premature aging and try to avoid wrinkles that mark time.

To do so, apart from adding this nutrient to your diet, you can apply it directly on your skin through vitamin E capsules. One of the most recommendable options is to create a homemade face mask to which you'll add this compound. Take a look at our article on how to apply vitamin E to the skin for more information.

What are the benefits of vitamin E - Powerful antioxidant infections

Helps fight infections

Its effect on the immune system has been proven, as it increases the production of defensive cells and cellular response against an infection, making it the perfect ally when it comes to viral illnesses.

This way, it is necessary to choose food that has a high quantity of vitamin E such as:

  • Vegetable oils: olive, soy, corn ...
  • Green leaf vegetables: broccoli, spinach, swiss chard, etc.
  • Nuts
  • Egg
  • Pulp fruit: kiwi, mango, plum...
  • Cereal
What are the benefits of vitamin E - Helps fight infections

Favours healing

Vitamin E helps healing adequately well, as it favours the formation of elastic fibres and collagen, making it specially beneficial in the case of burns. This way, if you've been sunbathing and you've overdone it, you'll be able to reduce the effect of the sun with this nutrient; however, this will not substitute the use of cream and sun screen.

What are the benefits of vitamin E - Favours healing

Great protector

This ally protects biological membranes in nerves, muscles and the cardiovascular system, apart from extending the life of red blood cells and has an essential role in helping our organism absorb and use Vitamin A. Our cells use vitamin E to interact with others, but can have an elementary function.

What are the benefits of vitamin E - Great protector

Benefits organs widely

Some organs recieve direct properties from vitamin E, for example, lungs, as it decreases the effect of smoke in a cigarrette; the liver, having the same effect on alcohol; and the heart, helping prevent coronary blood pressure problems and high cholesterol, as well as fighting cellular degeneration in our brain.

What are the benefits of vitamin E - Benefits organs widely

Other benefits of vitamin E

Apart from all the rest, vitamin E is known for being a good diuretic and it also benefits those who suffer from circulation problems, decreasing the number of cramps and heaviness as it protects our body from oxidation. In the same way, it can help diabetic people regulate their sugar levels.

However, people with bleeding problems - such as hemophiliac patients - or who are taking anticoagulant medicine should not have vitamin E.

What are the benefits of vitamin E - Other benefits of vitamin E

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to What are the benefits of vitamin E, we recommend you visit our Drugs & supplements category.


  • Remember that a balanced diet is the key to a correct nutrition.
  • When eating, balance is important, you shouldn't take any vitamin in excess, as it could cause damage to your body
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1 comment
Felicity searle
Is vitamin helpful for Parkinson's ?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Felicity
Vitamins suggested for Parkinson’s include omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins and green tea extract. However, if you choose to take any specific vitamin, we recommend consulting your doctor beforehand.
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What are the benefits of vitamin E