Why Do I Have High GGT?

Why Do I Have High GGT?

Gamma-glutamyl transferase, commonly known as GGT is an enzyme found in kidney, liver and pancreatic cells. When the liver is healthy they stay there. But when the liver is damaged in certain ways, GGT filters into the bloodstream and this makes it possible to diagnose through a simple blood test. Measuring GGT level is a procedure performed on people who are suspected to have a liver or biliary condition. If your GGT level showed to be elevated you will want to know why you have high GGT. At OneHowto we explain the possible causes of a high GGT.

Steps to follow:

A normal GGT level ranges from 0-51 IU/L (units per litre). These ranges may vary slightly from one lab to another, so the test results usually always specify the levels within which your GGT must be.


If your GGT is high it may be due to various conditions, some directly linked to liver damage or other different diseases that can affect your liver and bile ducts. An elevated GGT is not a value that is mentioned lightly in our test results, so a doctor's evaluation will be crucial to find the causes.

In some cases, high GGT levels may also indicate diseases related to cardiovascular disorders or high blood pressure.

There are some drugs that may also produce an increase in GGT, such as anti-inflammatory medicine that doesn't contain steroids, antibiotics or antifungals.


High GGT may occur in people with any of the following conditions:

  • Alcoholism, this condition when in its advanced stage significantly damages the liver.
  • Taking drugs or medication that are toxic to the liver such as NSAID, receptor blockers or anti depressants.
  • Cirrhosis, a condition usually caused by heavy drinking, causing scarring in the liver and increased GGT.
  • Hepatitis C, B or A, another liver condition that alters the levels of this enzyme.
  • Diabetes, in particular, diabetics who do not follow medical advice can suffer liver damage which increases the levels of GGT in their blood.
  • Heart failure.
  • Lung or pancreatic diseases.
  • Conditions that prevent the proper flow of bile into the liver.
  • Other liver conditions such as liver necrosis, ischemia or tumors in this area can cause high GGT.

There are many reasons that cause elevated GGT, so it is essential to consult your doctor if you show abnormal levels of this enzyme. Only a specialist can tell you the exact cause of this result and recommend the most appropriate treatment according to your condition.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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