What is the Normal Range of Eosinophils in Blood?

What is the Normal Range of Eosinophils in Blood?

Eosinophils are white blood cells (immune cells) that are responsible for fighting parasites and other invaders in blood. Normally, eosinophils make up between 1% and 6% of white blood cells. It is possible to determine their concentration in the blood through a blood test. Normal levels of eosinophils vary between 0% and 4%, which is under 350 cells per micro-liter of blood. An elevated level of eosinophils may indicate that something is wrong. If you are wondering what specifically does a high eosinophil count mean? At oneHOWTO we will explain.

What are eosinophils?

An eosinophil is a type of white blood cell, a crucial part of your body’s immune system. They are vital to protect you from invading germs like viruses or parasites like pinworm. Your body is host to five different kinds of them, all made by our bone marrow.The number of white blood cells in your body can inform doctors of the state of your health. High levels are a good indicator that you have an illness or infection. It means your body is sending more and more of them to fight off infections.

A high level of eosinophils

The increase in the percentage of eosinophils is generally associated with an allergy, auto-immune disease or parasitic infection. More specifically, it may be the result of:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Asthma
  • A parasitic infection in the intestines or elsewhere (such as worms)
  • Collagen vascular disease
  • Bone marrow disorders
  • Skin inflammation such as dermatitis
  • Although this is less common, a high eosinophil level can also indicate the presence of leukemia, a type of blood cancer.

Symptoms of a high level of eosinophils depend on the cause, such as Eosinophillic Folliculitis. A high level of eosinophils on its own wouldn't present any symptoms. This condition is always a sign of another condition or disease. Therefore, treatment will be for the underlying disorder and not for the elevated eosinophils as such.

However, there are certain home remedies you can use to help lower a high eosinophil count.

A low level of eosinophils

A low level, i.e. less than 50ml means that your immune system may be significantly weakened. This may be due to the following causes:

  • Acute allergic reactions
  • Reactions after major surgery
  • If it occurs during pregnancy, the cause could be eclampsia.
  • Diseases affecting the immune system such as HIV.

If your eosinophil level is outside of the normal range, it is best to visit a hematologist for a full examination. Take a look at our article on how to treat low eosinophils to find your underlying cause and learn about the adequate treatment.

What Is an Eosinophil Count?

An eosinophil count is a type of blood test that measures the number of eosinophils in your body. This test aids your doctor in confirming a diagnosis.

  • Usually, blood is drawn from a vein on the inside of your elbow or the back of your hand.
  • Your nurse or doctor will wrap an elastic band around your upper arm to ensure access to a vein.
  • Next, they will insert the needle into the vein, gently.
  • The blood collects into an airtight tube attached to the needle.
  • Then the elastic band is removed.
  • You will be told to put pressure on the area to ensure no more blood escapes.

For babies or young children, a lancet may be used to prick the skin. It is a sharp tool, but nothing to be worried about. It is a quick process.During the testing process, the technician will count how many eosinophils are present, per 100 cells. Then, the percentage of eosinophils is multiplied by your white blood cell count to discover your true eosinophil count.A normal blood sample reading will show fewer than 350 eosinophil cells per micro-liter of blood.For more information on white blood cells, read our article explaining the reasons for a high white blood cell count.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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