Plantar Fascitis

What Is a Calcaneal Heel Spur?

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: May 9, 2017
What Is a Calcaneal Heel Spur?

Many people have heard of spurs, but are not sure exactly what they are or why they occur. The truth is that a calcaneal heel spur is "a little bone formation which forms on the calcaneus (heel bone)" according to NetDoctor. It is caused by the pressure which we put on the sole and the consequent inflammation; also often presenting itself together with plantar fasciitis, which is inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the spur and that is what causes pain . In this oneHOWTO article, we explain more about what a calcaneal heel spur is.

You may also be interested in: The Best Exercises to Reduce Heel Spur Pain


  1. What is a heel spur?
  2. Why do they occur?
  3. What are the symptoms?
  4. How is a heel spur treated?

What is a heel spur?

A calcaneal heel spur is a small bony growth that forms on a regular bone, in this case, on the underside of the heel bone. It is caused by a buildup of calcium deposits, that form a bony growth. This is what causes the pain in the heel which is made worse with physical pressure on the area, for example during walking.

What Is a Calcaneal Heel Spur? - What is a heel spur?

Why do they occur?

The soles of the feet are responsible for supporting and bearing the full weight of the human body, so throughout the day we exert a great amount of pressure on them. This task is helped by a fat pad under the heel and fascia (fibrous sheath that protects the tendons and muscles) below the foot. When it is overloaded, swelling can occur in the soft tissues surrounding the calcaneus or tendons and muscles attach to the front of the calcaneus.

To compensate, the body will try to repair the surrounding area and protect the injured area by an inflammatory process which subsequently becomes calcified. This leads to the emergence of a heel bone formation which is what is known as a heel spur.

Thus, being overweight and obese can cause an extra strain on the heel and may cause heel spurs to occur. Also, running and excessive walking, especially in shoes with an inadequate sole and lacking arch support, can lead to heel spurs.

What are the symptoms?

Notably the heel spur itself is not causing the pain but the inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding it. Sufferers will feel symptoms such as:

  • Severe chronic pain in the inside of the heel.
  • Increased pain when spending time standing and especially in the morning.
  • Inability to perform daily activities due to severe pain in the foot.

How is a heel spur treated?

The truth is that the chiropodist will be your best option when dealing with this foot problem. Yet there are some tips on how to remove a spur as well as the best spur surgery recovery techniques and some exercises to ease the pain of a heel spur..

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to What Is a Calcaneal Heel Spur?, we recommend you visit our Family health category.


  • If you suffer from pain in the foot, see your doctor or podiatrist.
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Lakshmi M Phadke
Hi! What would be the healing time for heel spur???
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Lakshmi,

It depends on the severity of the heel spur as well as the quality of the treatment. People who ignore it and try to walk around anyway will prolong their recovery time and can make it worse. Generally, it could take anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months, but can also return if not treated properly. Hope this helps.
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What Is a Calcaneal Heel Spur?