What Causes Tachycardia

What Causes Tachycardia

Tachycardia is an increased heart rate that starts in the heart. A disorder in the heart rate is known as arrhythmia and may be caused due to a decreased or increased heart rate, of which the latter is tachycardia. The heart pumps blood faster and increases oxygen consumption, which can lead to symptoms such as dizziness or vomiting. This increased heart rate can be caused by heart problems, alcohol or caffeine abuse, anxiety or panic. While it is not considered to be a serious disorder, it can cause heart damage if left untreated in the long term. If you want to know what causes tachycardia, read this OneHowTo article.

Steps to follow:

One of the most common causes of tachycardia is high blood pressure. High blood pressure is the force at which blood is pumped into the walls of the arteries. If this pressure is high, the arteries may become damaged, forcing the heart to make an extra effort. This overexertion causes the heart to increase its muscle mass, whilst the blood supply remains the same. High blood pressure is usually present in older people, and the heart rate may increase causing tachycardia.


Atherosclerosis is also a cause that relates to cardiovascular problems. This disorder is characterised by a narrowing of the arteries caused by a build-up of cholesterol. Following damage to the arterial walls, the body reacts by blocking up the lesion with platelets, which then help fat to accumulate (cholesterol). As a result, blood flow is reduced causing a shortage in the blood supply to all body parts. Atherosclerosis has some symptoms such as tachycardia.


Alcohol, caffeine and tea are considered to be stimulant drinks. As a result, the heart rate may increase which can cause tachycardia. When a person consumes an excess of stimulant drinks, they may also experience anxiety caused by an acceleration of the heart in order to pump blood around. When consumption of such drinks is excessive, tachycardia disappears after caffeine stops having an effect on the body.


One of the most harmful health products is tobacco. A cigarette contains many toxic substances that damage your cardiovascular system. In fact, it has been shown that tobacco considerably increases the risk of heart attack and increases the heart rate whilst impairing circulation. It reduces the oxygen levels that are transmitted to the organs and increases blood pressure. It contributes to the formation of blood clots, which can lead to the obstruction of blood vessels resulting in a heart attack. An accelerated heart rate from smoking also causes tachycardia. Also, if you combine alcohol and tobacco, the chances are greater.


Your kidneys play a key role in the elimination of waste found in the body and filter the amount of salt, water and other components in the body. When this function is suddenly altered, your kidneys lose the ability to remove such waste, which causes renal failure. Blood clots are one of the most common causes of this condition, which as we already mentioned, can be caused by smoking and a decrease in blood flow. One of the symptoms that can alert someone to kidney failure is an increased heart rate, and consequently, tachycardia.


Another of the most common causes of tachycardia is constant stress. When a person is stressed, their heart rate increases which in turn increases the risk of this disease. The person doesn't necessarily need to suffer from heart problems to cause this condition but adrenaline produced by stress ends up causing tachycardia. One of the best remedies for stress and excess adrenaline is physical exercise. What's more, it's good to consider following a series of steps for reducing stress.

Anxiety is often accompanied by tachycardia. In some cases, stress leads to anxiety which can lead to an anxiety attack lasting a few minutes. As well as tachycardia, anxiety can also be accompanied by nausea, dizziness, muscle pain, etc.


Tachycardias's appear and disappear, however, it is important to find the cause of it so you can tackle it. If you suffer from tachycardia, do not hesitate to consult a specialist for them to recommend the most appropriate treatment. In many cases, the cause will be psychological, but there are physical causes too, as explained in this article. It is equally important to know how to treat tachycardia.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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