What are the Symptoms of Colon Polyps

What are the Symptoms of Colon Polyps

Polyps are abnormal tissue growths that appear in the mucosa or innermost layer of the large intestine and reach the intestinal canal. The normal area of appearance of these polyps is in the colon and their size that can be from less than a centimetre to a couple centimetres. The rectum is another place where polyps also affect with more impact.

This condition affects 15% or 20% of the adult population as the odds for these problems increase with age. From age 60 onwards, the probability of having a polyp is about 25%. In addition to age, a family history of polyps or colon cancer increases the chance of developing them. On OneHowTo you will discover the symptoms of colon polyps so you can detect them early and treat them immediately.

Steps to follow:

In most cases polyps cause no symptoms. However some signs that could alert you of this anomaly is the appearance of blood in your stools. Bleeding, mucus secretion, functional bowel disorder or, in rare cases, abdominal pain, may be other symptoms.

Although we repeat, polyps usually are asymptomatic and they are discovered only after a medical exam. One of the most common tests is a review of faeces to detect microscopic traces on them. This test is not conclusive because it can be negative but the presence of polyps is still not fully discarded.


There are many more specific tests that are concise and based on investigations inside the colon.

  • Rigid sigmoidoscopy: Allows examination of the lower first centimetres of the large intestine.
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy: Examines the lower colon.
  • Colonoscopy: Thanks to the instrument used in this test, the doctor can inspect the entire colon. To perform this test, it is necessary to prepare the intestine with a thorough cleansing of this which is done by enemas and a pre-test fasting day. Often patient sedation is used to work more in depth thanks to this test and it can eliminate many of these polyps. Repeating this test depends on the decision of your doctor who will take into account factors such as the number and size of polyps found and removed, the tissue that is affected and the quality of bowel cleansing prior to testing.
  • Barium enema radiography: It is a less invasive examination as is done through a specific radiograph using a barium solution to coat the colon.

The hyperplastic polyps and adenoma polyps are the most common polyps that a doctor is going to come across. Hyperplastic polyps are not cancerous nor do they pose any major threat to the human body.

Adenoma are considered to be dangerous and related to cancers in the intestines. Therefore, they are removed straight away. Nevertheless, not all polyps become cancerous. An investigation of the lining using a microscope will show the type of polyp.


Doctors routinely remove polyps because there is not a fool-proof way of checking if a polyp is dangerous or not. Almost all polyps can be removed through cauterisation using an electric tool that cuts through the flesh. Larger polyps need to be fully removed and in some cases, this may be done through surgery because of the location of the tissue.


The odds that a polyp that reappears are very low, although the factors that caused it are still present. For this reason, about 30% of people who developed polyps present this ailment again later in their lives.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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