About medicinal plants

What are the healing properties of rue

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
What are the healing properties of rue
Image: www.puntmagicbarcelona.com

Rue is a plant that has been traditionally used as a natural medicine and protective herb due to some of the medicinal properties it possesses. These include its digestive, relaxing and antispasmodic properties. It also offers benefits to the circulatory system making it effective in treating certain diseases and promote blood circulation. If you want to know in more detail what the healing properties of rue are pay attention to the following OneHowTo article.

Steps to follow:


Rue is a plant with digestive properties, thanks to its capacity to stimulate the gallbladder function it improves digestion and is effective in case of diseases that affect the digestive system such as gas, intestinal burning, heaviness, etc. Therefore, it is advisable to drink an infusion of rue after heavy or abundant meals.


It is also a plant with antispasmodic medicinal properties, so it can serve as an aid in the treatment of stomach cramps and spasms, and to try and curb diarrhoea.

What are the healing properties of rue - Step 2

Because of its sedative action, rue infusion can also be used to combat the symptoms of anxiety, stress, nervousness and insomnia. Applied topically, it can also help relieve pain caused by impacts or diseases such as arthritis.

What are the healing properties of rue - Step 3

Among its healing properties rue has also been found to be a potent emmenagogue, i.e. it acts as a good blood flow stimulant, favouring the regulation of female menstruation and serves to improve bleeding and reduce the pain caused by it. It is important to note that it is not recommended for pregnant women as it has abortive properties, it can be very dangerous for both mother and baby.

What are the healing properties of rue - Step 4

It is also favourable at a circulatory level, it contains certain substances that help reinforce the walls of blood vessels, making them more resistant to bleeding and other complications. It may be useful in the treatment of varicose veins, edema or poor circulation of the blood.


Traditionally, rue is also a good home remedy for tired and strained eyes. To use this remedy, you just need to put 3 teaspoons of rue in boiling water and leave to stand for 15 minutes. Sieve the rue and dab a compress in. Apply the compress on your eyes and relax.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to What are the healing properties of rue, we recommend you visit our Drugs & supplements category.


  • Rue is not recommended for people with kidney and urinary problems, as it can make these conditions worse. This also applies to people with liver problems.
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Image: www.puntmagicbarcelona.com
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What are the healing properties of rue