Symptoms of Degenerative Arthritis of the Hip

Symptoms of Degenerative Arthritis of the Hip

Degenerative arthritis of the hip, also known as osteoarthritis of the hip, is a problem that affects more women than men and can greatly damage one's quality of life. It may appear simply as a result of time after the age of 60. Other causes include dislocations, poor nutrition or bone problems suffered an at earlier age. Nevertheless, osteoarthritis greatly affects the cartilage, so good prevention and treatment are key in improving health. It is therefore important to know the symptoms of degenerative arthritis of the hip to look out for. OneHowTo lists the predominant signs so that you can treat it as soon as possible.

Steps to follow:

As aforementioned, there are many different causes for degenerative arthritis of the hip, including:

  • Trauma: resulting from injury or some poorly healed illness affecting that area. Dislocations may be another cause for degenerative arthritis of the hip.
  • Vascular-related causes: vascular insufficiency may lead to osteoarthritis and might affect this area.
  • Imbalance in our skeleton: this is something that happens frequently in many people because we are not 100% symmetrical. The length of the lower limbs may be uneven, causing the hip to wear, for which a solution must be found.
  • Congenital factors: a congenital problem may be presented at birth, e.g. a growth disorder or hip dysplasia, which may eventually lead to hip osteoarthritis.

The first symptom experienced is the most obvious and precedes all arthritic problem: pain. However, this pain is not normally felt in the hip itself, but rather on the groin area. In fact, it can extend to the front of the thigh, reaching the knee and buttock.

This can make it difficult to know if it is a hip problem or something else. If the pain radiates to all these areas, it is very likely that hip osteoarthritis is the problem. If what hurts is the hip alone, it is most likely due to a muscle problem rather than wear. Remember that the groin area is where the pain is centred.


Another characteristic symptom is cracking of the hip joint. This can be felt with movement when walking and even when sitting down or crossing your legs. This is an annoying and painful cracking that only stops when you stop moving. In addition to cracking, a burning sensation in the groin is an indication that hip osteoarthritis may be the problem.


Weakness is another symptom of osteoarthritis of the hip. As it progresses, it makes it impossible to move in the same way as before the condition. Walking causes pain, as does climbing stairs, lifting weights or performing any type of sport. The affected area tends to be very weak, even at night. The slightest movement in bed causes the cracking sensation, accompanied by pain. Only when the movement stops does the pain disappear. This symptom deteriorates as time goes on and the bone wears further, if not treated in a timely manner


As with any health problem, this can be prevented if we are careful with diet and follow a healthy lifestyle. Adapting to the new situation is essential because currently there is no cure for this ailment. Here are some pointers on preventing osteoarthritis in the hip, which is so common in middle aged women:

  • Watch your weight, making sure the scales show a healthy weight.
  • Carry out daily physical activity such as walking, running or swimming in order to move the hips.
  • Drink at least two litres of water daily. Staying properly hydrated is important for joint and cartilage care.
  • Take gelatine to repair cartilage, as bone does not regenerate.
  • Take vitamin A, C and D, which help in collagen synthesis.
  • You could also take magnesium supplements , which keeps joints healthy.
  • A vitamin supplement such as glucosamine sulphate is also great for this condition. Ask your doctor about the benefits of this and if it is appropriate for you.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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