How to treat trapezius muscle spasms - rapid and effective treatment

How to treat trapezius muscle spasms - rapid and effective treatment

Nowadays, it's quite common to have muscle spasms in the area of the trapezius muscle, due to a sedentary lifestyle that results in many hours in front of the computer among the most common causes. Different conditions include, cervical osteoarthritis, injuries, cervical hernias or static imbalances in the cervical column (scoliosis, hyperlordosis, kyphosis) that suddenly cause immense pain in the trapezius muscle. Below, we'll give you some advice on how to deal with trapezius muscle spasms with natural remedies and medication.

Steps to follow:

The first thing to do for trapezius muscle spasms, is to apply a cold compress to the injured area. We recommend taking a bag of frozen peas and putting them in a cloth or bag, to avoid burning the skin. Apply the bag in 10 minute intervals, after removing it from the injured area for 30 minutes. You can do this throughout the day, until the pain has subsided.


Daily stretching. Whether you notice it or not, it's possible that you injured the trapezius muscle without being aware of it. It's highly recommended that you stretch every morning when you wake up and at midday, to relieve the pain in this area. The best stretches for the trapezius muscle are shown in the photo. Just click on it to make them larger.


A natural Chinese remedy for treating cervical muscle spasms, is to wrap ginger with cabbage and bake it in the oven for 1 hour. Once it's ready, cut it into slices. Put the hot slices on the painful area and hold it there with gauze. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes.


The most effective medication to treat a cervical muscle spasm is to take ibuprofen, because its anti-inflammatory properties will help the injury. Take 1 capsule every 8 hours and don't take this medication more than 10 days in a row. Ask your doctor if Omeprazole is indicated, in order to prevent stomach problems. You can also apply a muscle relaxant to the trapezius, after doing exercises that affect this part of the body.


Physiotherapy. It's one of the best ways to treat trapezius muscle spasms. Normally there are two techniques, one that includes direct contact and stretches the injured muscle, while the other applies electrodes to the affected area. The combination of both is highly effective.


If the trapezius muscle spasms are a result of your gym routine, we recommend the following:

  • Before each exercise, do 6 repetitions very slowly with light weights, so that the muscle warms up. Not doing this is the easiest way for injury to reoccur.
  • Limit the weight you lift: It's preferable to do a series of 3-5 second repetitions with medium weights, than to do 2 second repetitions, with heavier weights. If you strain the injury without healing completely, you'll only get worse.
  • Improve your technique: Do all of the exercises correctly. Doing them incorrectly is the major cause of an injury.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to treat trapezius muscle spasms - rapid and effective treatment, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

  • Consult your physiotherapist or doctor, so that they can provide the most appropriate treatment.
  • When trapezius muscle spasms aren't PROPERLY treated in time, they return again and again.
  • To reduce muscle injuries, it's recommended to drink plenty of water.