How to Treat a Swollen Knee Joint at Home

How to Treat a Swollen Knee Joint at Home

Inflammation of the joints causes pain and discomfort to those who suffer from it; it can even prevent some daily activities. That is why it is necessary to take measures to help reduce swelling of the joints, especially when it comes to those joints supporting the full weight of our body on a daily basis, such as the knees or ankles. Thus, at OneHowTo we offer some advice on how to treat a swollen knee joint at home which may complement treatment that your doctor provides.

Causes of swollen knee joint

First, the cause of the inflammation of the knee joints must be found in order to implement the solution that best suits our problem.

Therefore, the orthopaedic surgeon or specialist doctor should perform a scan in order to find the appropriate diagnosis and establish the most appropriate treatment.


In many cases, the physician may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDs) to help reduce swelling of the joints and, therefore, reduce discomfort and pain. Some of the most prescribed are Ibuprofen or Diclofenac and it is possible that we get prescribed Paracetamol or Aspirin.

Remember that taking medication should always be done under medical prescription and you should not resort to self-medication, as it is a practice that has many negative impacts on the organism and human health.

Ice to treat a swollen knee joint at home

Ice is one of the most recurrent and effective anti-inflammatory treatments for use on any joint, such as the knee, especially when the inflammation has been caused by a trauma or stroke.

To do this, you will need ice covered with a clean cloth to avoid direct contact of ice on your skin because excessive cold can provoke burns. You can also use ice packs manufactured specifically for this purpose.

Olive oil to treat a swollen knee joint at home

When treating swollen knee joints, it can be very effective to have a massage with olive oil as this natural product has infinite beneficial properties for the body, among which its anti-inflammatory power. To do this, you should massage your knees two or three times a day to stimulate blood circulation and reduce inflammation in the area.

Food for swollen joints

Also, note that there are a number of foods that contribute to reducing inflammation in your knees such as:

  • Pineapple
  • Ginger
  • Cabbage
  • Blackberries
  • Nettle
  • Chamomile
  • Linseed

It is very beneficial to have ginger or chamomile teas frequently

Magnesium to treat a swollen knee joint at home

Giving our body enough magnesium is not only beneficial for the treatment of a swollen knee joint, but for our overall health as well. Magnesium helps you overcome swollen knee joint more quickly, and helps your body prevent swollen knee joints and arthritis.

You have three options, use them all for best results:

  • getting magnesium through diet: consume dark leafy veggies, raw if you can, and eat lots of nuts
  • magnesium supplements: you can find them easily in any pharmacy or health store
  • magnesium oil: find a massage oil containing magnesium at your natural store and apply it to your swollen knee joint

Recommendations to treat swollen knee joint at home

Similarly, it will be necessary to take into account some considerations that may help you reduce inflammation in your joints:

  • Raise your legs and keep your knees up to facilitate the circulation of blood.
  • Avoid overuse of the knee joints.
  • Try gentle physical activities that avoid total inactivity, such as swimming.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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