How to Raise Low Blood Pressure

How to Raise Low Blood Pressure

When we talk about blood pressure we are referring to the force applied by the flowing blood on the artery walls. If your blood pressure is too high or too low, it can seriously threaten your health. To measure this pressure two values must be taken into account: a systolic value and a diastolic value. Normal blood pressure will oscillate between a systolic value of 100 to 129 mmHg and a diastolic value of 60 to 84 mmHg. Pressure values below these levels are considered to be low and may or may not be problematic. You can raise low blood pressure in two main ways: treating the underlying cause of low blood pressure and changing lifestyle habits. oneHOWTO goes into the specifics of how to raise low blood pressure, especially if you have been feeling adverse symptoms.

Steps to follow:

Low blood pressure (hypotension)

Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, may occur as an isolated event or as a condition. As we look at some of the causes of low blood pressure, you will understand why. Some people low blood pressure low blood pressure on a regular basis without it causing many problems. For some, it is a relatively healthy way to be. For others, low blood pressure is a symptom of an underlying condition or disease. This is when symptoms of hypotension become so important to monitor as these underlying conditions may need to be addressed.

Some reasons why pressure readings drop include taking certain medication, treatments such as chemotherapy, diseases such as anemia, viral infections or specific health conditions resulting from a past diseases. For this reason, if you experience a drop in blood pressure, you should consult a physician to ensure that everything is fine.

It is important to determine the differences between temporary low blood pressure and a permanent condition. If you are going to the doctor or have a blood pressure reader at home, then you may not be in a particularly relaxed mood. If you were, this could give a lowered reading. More likely, if you are on certain medication, are at the beginning of a pregnancy or if you have recently lost some blood, these can affect your blood pressure readings. However, they will be temporary.


Low blood pressure symptoms

Low blood pressure is manifested by various symptoms. They can vary in degree, but also be part of another problem, so it is important to give consideration as well as seeking professional medical advice. Low blood pressure symptoms include:

  • Tiredness and constant fatigue
  • Dizziness or vertigo (vertigo is usually more acute when going from a sitting to standing position or changing body position quickly)
  • Having you the feeling you're going to faint or in some cases even fainting
  • Nausea
  • Blurred vision
  • Reduced concentration
  • Pallid skin color

You are probably wondering how to raise low blood pressure because you have experienced a drop in yours. If this blood pressure drop is due to cardiac problems you will be able to feel the beating of your heart intensely. However, if the pressure drops due to something like internal bleeding, you will see different symptoms such as blood in your stool. When it is due to an infection, a high fever above 38 degrees may develop. If you experience low blood pressure, you should be attentive to any other symptoms and consult your doctor as soon as possible.


Diagnosing the cause of low blood pressure

The first key to know how to raise low blood pressure is to detect what causes the problem in the first place. This is something which should only be done by a doctor as they will not only be able to determine major illnesses or underlying conditions, but advise on the most effective course of treatment. The best medical professional to see will be an arterial hypotension specialist as they should have the most comprehensive knowledge on the subject.

However, raising low blood pressure is also about stopping certain actions which might lower blood pressure. This is why we have some general recommendations to help keep a healthy blood pressure level until a specialist can make confirmation of a diagnosis. Until then, keeping an eye on the symptoms and making sure you are not in need of emergency care is important. If you are, then you will need to see a doctor right away.


Moderate body temperature

If you do have a condition that makes you prone to drops in blood pressure, you need to stay away from excessively hot environments. This is because changes in body temperature can have an adverse effect on your blood pressure, especially in the elderly and vulnerable[1]. Do not take hot baths or go to saunas as this type of scenario favors drops in blood pressure.

During hot seasons it's important to keep your house at optimum temperatures, this is why we advise you to read our article on how to keep the house cool during summer without AC. Also, if you are experiencing a heat wave where you are, remember this might have an effect on your blood pressure, so take preventative measures by staying cool.


Stay hydrated

Dehydration not only effects your blood pressure, but if it is acute enough, it is a killer. Maintaining your overall health and wellbeing depends on sufficient hydration. Dehydration can trigger a significant drop in blood pressure so it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of water. This means between 2 and 3 liters per day, including liquids coming from fruits and vegetables.

If you are feeling nauseous or light headed, then it could be down to dehydration and raising your blood pressure is a secondary need. The link between adequate hydration and blood pressure has not always been known[2], but recent studies have shown its importance not just for blood pressure, but in stamina, brain function and even weight loss. Consult our articles on how much water to drink per day and what are the benefits of drinking water to find out more.


Avoid depressants

Depressants such as alcohol can greatly affect your blood pressure levels. This is one of the reasons rough sleepers with alcohol problems die in cold climates. The alcohol causes their blood pressure to drop making them susceptible to conditions such as hypothermia. Alcohol can also affect your stress levels. While it may calm you down while you are under its effects, when you are hungover you are more prone to blood pressure issues and you may enter a cycle of bad habits, particularly when it comes to stress and anxiety. Alcohol's impact on our blood pressure levels can not only lead to hypotension, but increases the risk of stroke, cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias[3].

Instead of taking depressants, you can moderately increase your blood pressure by drinking on caffeinated drinks such as coffee and some teas. However, too much can increase your blood pressure quickly and may not be good for you, especially if you are anxious. Keep in mind that this is a short-term solution to raise low blood pressure and should not be continued if you are feeling adverse effects.


Foods to raise blood pressure

It is important to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables to improve the state of your blood pressure. These foods contain beneficial nutrients and vitamins, but also help to keep you hydrated. If your blood pressure has dropped due to an iron deficiency such as anemia you should increase your intake of lean red meats and legumes like lentils, chickpeas and beans.

While too much sodium will have a detrimental effect on your blood pressure[4], it can help raise it when low. Eating salty snacks such as peanuts or chips can help give you a quick spike in blood pressure levels. One home remedy for raising low blood pressure is to drink an isotonic drink which will help raise your sodium levels with healthy salts. However, be careful not to drink too much of them or it can raise your blood pressure to unhealthy levels.


These recommendations and homemade remedies can help you avoid drops in blood pressure and improve your circulation. However none of them are a replacement for a doctor's advice. Consult a doctor to ascertain the right reasons behind your low blood pressure and they will best be able to help you with your problem. They may also be able to see if this is an underlying condition which requires some more aggressive treatment or lifestyles changes.

Go to the doctor to find the underlying cause especially if you also have the following symptoms:

  • You have hadseveral low blood pressure readings during medical analysis
  • You often feel nausea and lightheadedness
  • You feel dizzy or have had frequent vertigo

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Raise Low Blood Pressure, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

  • Low blood pressure can be a chronic condition, in this case it's important to avoid warm spaces, to be hydrated and to take plants such as ginseng frequently, as they improve artery pressure.
  • Make sure you do no lift heavy weights if you have low blood pressure and avoid standing still during prolonged periods of time.