How To Lower pH Levels In Water Naturally

How To Lower pH Levels In Water Naturally

pH is a numeric scale in science to determine the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. It is measured from 0 to 14 , where solutions with pH level 0 are most acidic, pH level 14 are most alkaline and those with value 7 are neutral; like pure or distilled water. However the pH of your tap-water will depend on where you live, and excessively high or low pH can be detrimental for some uses of water.

Rainwater, which contributes to most of the water resources of earth, is slightly acidic at a pH level of around 5.6 due to carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In this article, OneHowTo explain how you can adjust pH levels of water to match your needs without using man-made chemicals.

Home Remedies for Reducing the pH Level of Water

An easy natural way to reduce pH level of water is to mix in lemon juice. Lemon juice could kill some kinds of bacteria, but could also lead to a conducive environment for growth of other bacteria due to presence of citric acid and sugar. Vinegar can also be used instead, to lower the pH level and make water more acidic. Peat from moss also lowers pH naturally. Soak a mesh bag filled with peat, in desired measurements, in water for a period of several days as required. Driftwood also lowers pH due to the tannins present in it.

Lowering pH by Boiling Water

pH level or temporary hardness of water (caused by presence of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium) can be lowered by simply boiling the water. The reaction causes calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide to settle at the bottom which can be removed by filtration. Even distillation, though done through an apparatus, can be considered a natural way to lower pH levels as it does not involve any external substance or chemicals . For example, lime deposits can be effectively removed by this process.

Lowering the pH with Bacteria from Organic Matter

Depending on the end use of water and the type or source of water body , we can lower pH levels naturally by decomposing matter like cones of pine and fir trees, or with sulphate reducing bacteria present in wetlands. Respiration by aquatic animals also lowers pH by producing carbon dioxide.

Chemical Absorpotion in Low pH Water

The level of pH in water determines the solubility of nutrients like phosphorous, nitrogen and carbon constituents and also that of heavy metals like lead, copper and cadmium which are toxic and more soluble at lower pH levels. You should bare this in mind depending on the end use of the water, as this will affect anyone consuming such water directly or indirectly.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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