How to Help a Hypochondriac

How to Help a Hypochondriac

A hypochondriac is a person who lives thinking they have severe disease and suffering a terrifying fear of death among other symptoms. It is a psychological disorder that has no cure and can cause great harm to the patient's environment as it affects work, family life and relationships in general. On, we explain how to help a hypochondriac with some simple guidelines that you can try.

Steps to follow:

When a person has the symptoms of this mental condition, one of the best ways to help a hypochondriac is to support them from the start of treatment. First and foremost you must accompany them to the doctor to confirm that there is no real ailment, hypochondriacs tend to have an irrational fear of going to the doctor because they feel afraid that you confirm the existence of a health problem. Try to convince them to go by comforting them and telling them it's better to actually know if he/she has the illness they think they have.


Once you have ruled out the existence of a physical illness, focus on treating the psychological problem especially the anguish and fear of being sick. Discouraging these emotions and feelings is essential to stop and prevent hypochondriacs from visiting more doctors or A&E and not talk constantly about the disease.

Therefore, it is fundamental that the family helps the patient to get better, you have to understand that hypochondria is not a hoax, it is a real disorder. On this basis, the patient's environment will be key to not encourage this paranoia and obsession with diseases.


As hypochondriacs suffer an inordinate fear of getting sick, every time they have negative and obsessive thoughts, you can help by trying to divert their attention to other issues. You must distract them with other matters that you like and that can be positive for their mind, and never include health issues, or sickness, no matter how much you want to tell them that they're not right, that their ideas are unfounded, it is best not to mention anything related to these obsessions. The more you talk, the more importance and value you give them.


Another way to help a hypochondriac is by using relaxation techniques. It's a great way to change the focus and reorient positive thoughts. Relaxation will also serve to treat the anxiety felt by the patient when faced with these obsessive thoughts, reducing uncertainties.


In addition, a visit to a psychiatrist is essential, because the disease has therapeutic and medicinal treatments that can greatly improve the quality of life of patients.

If you deal with a hypochondriac frequently, you may also be interested in reading, how to deal with a hypochondriac.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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