Plantar Fascitis

How to Get Rid of a Heel Spur

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: April 26, 2017
How to Get Rid of a Heel Spur

Heel spurs occur because of a calcium build up around the heel of the foot. This is a very common ailment that is often accompanied by plantar fascitis. This is what causes pain (especially when walking) in people who suffer from a heel spur. It is necessary to visit a doctor to treat it. The chiropodist will be your best ally when treating this bone problem. However, in this oneHOWTO article we will share some advice on how to get rid of a heel spur.

You may also be interested in: What Is a Calcaneal Heel Spur?


  1. How to know you have a heel spur
  2. How to remove a heel spur
  3. Physiotherapy and exercise for heel spurs
  4. Common causes and treatment

How to know you have a heel spur

If you think you have a heel spur, the first thing you should do is visit a doctor or specialist. He or she will be able to examine you and confirm the diagnosis. Do not wait for the pain to stop you from doing everyday activities like walking. See your podiatrist at the first symptoms.We put great pressure on our heel on a daily basis, which is why it's normal to strain this area. This happens especially if you are overweight or do a lot of activity. This strain can make both the pads surrounding the heel and fascia inflame. Pain will occur after doing physical activity.The swelling will be our body's reaction to protect the strained area, which is known as plantar fasciitis. If you don't treat this condition appropriately, the body will eventually generate a calcification in the area. This is a small bone formation, which can cause pain and discomfort that is much more intense. It can even affect your ability to walk medium distances and do daily activities.Picture:

How to Get Rid of a Heel Spur - How to know you have a heel spur

How to remove a heel spur

To remove the spur, you will need to rest your foot or feet. If you do activities like dancing or physical exercise, you must reduce their intensity - or even have a little break from it. It's also very important to know that reducing this heel spur is not a simple task and, occasionally, the only way to get rid of it is through surgery.However, you can keep on doing physical activities such as swimming, cycling or rowing.Also, to reduce pain and inflammation of the heel spur you can apply ice. Remember to cover the ice pack with a cloth or gauze before applying it to the affected area, so that it is not in direct contact with your skin. You can also use cold packs that you can later reuse without problem. Using orthopaedic insoles can also help in addressing the heel spur as it will make your foot rest on the insole and not directly on the shoe. This type of shoe soles have a soft spot in the area of the calcaneus which cushions feet and reduces heel pain caused by the spur. However, you'll need to ask your doctor or specialist first so he can recommend the best insoles for your case.It's recommended to get personalized pads that are made especially for your own feet's necessities. This is the most adequate alternative over any other commercial insole.Ankle supports and the use of shoes with soft soles will also improve inflammation in the area surrounding the spur and reduce pain. You must remember that feet are in charge of supporting all your weight during the whole day. That's why we should pay attention to them and treat them correctly.Picture:

How to Get Rid of a Heel Spur - How to remove a heel spur

Physiotherapy and exercise for heel spurs

Furthermore, physiotherapy treatments also tend to be very useful in combating this problem in the feet. Most importantly you must go to a medical specialist to determine the next steps to take. There are also exercises for treating a heel spur that you can easily carry out at home.On the other hand, muscle exercises are also helpful in treating the spurs - especially those involving the calf muscles. We recommend specific exercises you can do at home using everyday things to help you. Things such as rubber balls, towels and supporting yourself on a table. To find out more information, consult our article Which are the best exercises for treating a heel spur.Another good option for treating heel spurs are night splints which will help in keeping the foot and the plantar fascia extended. This is not a treatment recommended for early problems in the calcaneus. Treatment should always be supervised by a physical therapist or other specialist.

How to Get Rid of a Heel Spur - Physiotherapy and exercise for heel spurs

Common causes and treatment

Pronation, the flattening of a foot's arch, is the most common cause for heel spurs. You shouldn't get mixed up with "flat feet" as this is something different. The shoes you wear are the cause for pronation. Take off the shoes and bend them. They shouldn't bend in the arch or heel area, but at the tip of the foot. If your shoes bend behind your foot cushion, change them. Make sure you get proper shoes that give your arch good support.

Those who suffer a lot of pain due to the inflammation of the soft areas lining the spur, are often prescribed inflammatory drugs and analgesics, under medical prescription.There are also several home remedies to treat a spur and that may help you relieve the pain.When none of the above methods work, the podiatrist or doctor can choose to recommend surgery as the only solution to the problem. In this case, there will be a recovery process after surgery that you will need to follow in order to heal completely. We should also note that overweight or obese people are prone to spurs in their bones. That's why it's also very important to lose weight to get rid of the symptoms. Sportspeople are also another group of people that have more chances of developing a spur.

How to Get Rid of a Heel Spur -  Common causes and treatment

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Get Rid of a Heel Spur, we recommend you visit our Family health category.


  • Visit your podiatrist to carry out a diagnosis and offer you proper treatment.
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How to Get Rid of a Heel Spur