Food with calcium

How to Get Calcium without Eating Dairy

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: February 6, 2017
How to Get Calcium without Eating Dairy

Calcium is one of the most important minerals for human health, the presence of which must be strengthened through food. This substance is mainly present in dairy products, however, many people are lactose intolerant and must seek alternatives. Therefore, at OneHowTo we easily and efficiently explain how to get calcium without eating dairy. So you won't have to worry about having a lack of calcium.

You may also be interested in: Foods that help absorb calcium

Importance of calcium

Calcium has many benefits for your body, so it is important to keep levels up. This mineral helps us to regulate our heart rate and to improve the transmission of nerve impulses, which prevents cardiac diseases.

As you will know, in addition to maintaining healthy and strong bones, calcium reduces blood cholesterol levels, helps blood to clot properly and even reduces cramping.

Therefore, it is important to find it in our food, and not just in dairy. In this sense, you need to seek products that contain vitamin D, since calcium will be present as well and it is very important for bones.

Non dairy food with Calcium

Whether you are a vegan or lactose intolerant, now you know how important calcium intake is for us. Below, you'll find all of the foods that will allow you to get calcium without eating dairy. Eat these at least 4 times a week to get the amount you need.


Many types of fish contain calcium. Tuna, red salmon, cod and sardines are some of them. In fact, they can provide up to 400 milligrams of calcium. Another positive aspect of these fish is the presence of omega 3 and vitamin D.


Chickpeas are a pulse rich in calcium, containing about 150 milligrams of this mineral, so opting for it in your meals will help you replace dairy products.


Believe it or not, calcium can be in the seed on many plants and can help improve your calcium levels tremendously without resorting to dairy. For example, Wattleseed, which is commonly found in Australia, has a high calcium content.


Vegetables contain some of the highest amounts of calcium, as well as being a source of fiber and iron. Some of the most calcium-rich vegetables are cabbage, chard, watercress, basil and parsley.

Grains and nuts

Cereals contain vitamin D, so it also serves as a source of calcium. Similarly, nuts such as hazelnuts and almonds contain high levels of calcium, so you can eat them to supplement or replace dairy products.


Egg yolk contains high amounts of vitamin D, so it is an easy way to get calcium. Also, this food contains about 10% of the daily amount of vitamin D that humans need.

For more information you can take a look at our article on foods that help absorb calcium.


This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Get Calcium without Eating Dairy, we recommend you visit our Healthy living category.

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1 comment
e schn
You wrote that egg yolk contains a lot of vitamin D and is therefore a good way to get calcium. Do eggs contain any calcium themselves? Do they contain iron? Does Kelsey and blaux the absorption of iron or vice versa?
OneHowTo Editor
Although eggs do not have a high calcium content, the high vitamin D allows us to absorb more from other sources.
How to Get Calcium without Eating Dairy