How to cure the stomach flu (gastroenteritis) with home remedies

How to cure the stomach flu (gastroenteritis) with home remedies

If you've ever had the stomach flu, you know how uncomfortable the symptoms can be. Gastroenteritis can be caused by various factors, such as coming into contact with a person that has gastro, drinking contaminated water or food, to eating too much acidic food. It causes a general ill feeling, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, cramping, fatigue, headache, etc. If you want to know how to address your gastrointestinal affliction and try to mitigate its symptoms, At OneHowTo, we offer you a few natural remedies.

Steps to follow:

If you have gastro, the first thing to keep in mind is to stick to a soft diet. so to not exacerbate the symptoms of the gastroenteritis, so it will therefore be necessary to eat mild foods such as plain boiled rice and especially rice water, crackers, potatoes, toasted bread, bananas, apples etc. If eating makes you feel nauseous, you should't force yourself to eat.

You should avoid dairy products, spicy or acidic foods and foods that are high in fat. Also to be avoided are products with a lot of caffeine, like coffee, as they can irritate your stomach.

Consult our article what to eat if I have gastritis for more details on foods that are soft on the stomach.


It is also necessary to take a lot of water to prevent the dehydration that might be caused by diarrhoea and vomiting. Also, to recover lost minerals, we will have to consume drinks that will help us to recover them; a great natural remedy is a homemade oral rehydration formula, which you can prepare yourself with water, lemon, salt, bicarbonate and sugar.


Another home remedy against gastroenteritis is ginger, a root with a number of medicinal properties amongst which is the control of nausea. Drinking a ginger and green anise tea will help improve the symptoms and help you feel better.


Another home remedy against the stomach flu is a carrot and potato puré. To prepare, wash and cut a carrot and two potatoes and pass them through a food processor, adding a bit of water. Take this mixture twice a day to replenish your vitamins and minerals.


In the same way, drinking an infusion of black tea can help to reduce the symptoms of gastroenteritis and help to improve the ill feeling of sufferers of this gastrointestinal condition.


When you have gastro, it is best to get a lot of rest. This will improve your symptoms and will help you fight the virus faster and more efficiently.


As always, prevention is the best remedy. To prevent getting gastro, always make sure that the water you are drinking is clean and safe. Moreover, you should always wash your hands regularly, especially after going to the toilet. Lastly, to prevent the stomach flu and other sicknesses, you should get regular sleep.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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