How to Care for your Kidneys

How to Care for your Kidneys

Your kidneys are located at your back, below your ribcage and play a very important role in your body. Though millions of tiny filters called nephrons, they filter about 200 liters of blood each day, removing excess salt, water and other waste. This waste is then collected in the bladder, to be eliminated through urine.

Our kidneys are vital to our survival, as without the elimination of waste, there would be a buildup of waste, which is toxic and can cause severe damage.

It is very important to care for your kidneys, especially if you are prone to kidney disease. If you are diabetic, have high blood pressure or have a kidney disease or infection; you are prone to kidney disease. Taking care of your kidneys will prevent kidney disease and failure, and will also prevent the appearance of kidney stones.


Steps to follow:

Do you know why it's important to care for your kidneys? Due to they function of this organ, which helps your body get rid of toxins, treating it right will guarantee our health, preventing conditions such as kidney stones, kidney failure, nephritis or infections.

Moreover, perfectly functioning kidneys will favor effective organism cleansing, thus also benefiting our health.


The first method to ensure your kidney health is to drink a lot of water. You should intake about 2 liters of water daily, juice and foods with a high water content. This will be necessary to favor proper elimination of of toxins by increasing the amount of urine we expel. If we drink a small amount of liquid we also go to the toilet less and in more concentrated levels, which makes it difficult for us to get rid of substances our body doesn't need.


Some foods or nutrients, in excess, can lower your renal function, which is why it is important to enjoy them in moderation. We recommend:

  • Eating cheeses, especially strong aged cheeses, in moderation, as too much strong cheese can lead to the development of kidney stones.
  • Not taking too many calcium supplements unless we have been indicated to do so by a professional.
  • Not exceeding the recommended daily dose of calcium, or vitamin C, especially if you are prone to kidney disease. Have a physician monitor your vitamin supplements to be safe.

Limit your intake of salt. Excess salt not only causes problems such as high blood pressure but also affects correct kidney function as it retains liquids. To care for your kidneys it's highly important to moderate the intake if this addition and use more natural and healthy alternatives to cook with some flavor, such as using parsley, rosemary or oregano.


Habits like smoking and frequent drinking of alcohol must be reduced as much as possible to ensure that your kidneys function properly. These habits can elevate your blood pressure and cause strain on your kidneys.

In addition, eating a diet that is low in saturated fats and cholesterol will prevent renal malfunction. It is recommended to have a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, fish and nuts.

As always, a regular exercise routine is crucial in maintaining your overall health. Improving blood circulation, exercise will directly improve the health of your kidneys as well.


It's also important to avoid abusing pain-killers, both over the counter ones like Ibuprofen as those that need a doctor's prescription. This type of medicine taken in excess or during long periods of time can affect your kidney's health, this is why it's recommendable to take them under medical supervision and without exceeding the indicated time.

If you're in pain or have frequent discomfort somewhere in your body, what you should do is to visit a doctor to receive proper treatment.


If you have any pain in the kidneys, blood or puss in your urine, it is important to consult your doctor to rule out a kidney disease.

If you are worried about kidney failure, we recommend reading our article on the subject.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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