How does Ovulation Work

How does Ovulation Work

Unlike men who continually produce sperm, women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. Once a month, at least one egg is released from the ovaries and expelled, unless fertilized. The process of ovulation is quite fascinating and complex, and understanding it is key to getting pregnant or even avoiding pregnancy. That's why at OneHowTo we show you exactly how ovulation works.

What is ovulation?

In natural situations, without the use of oral contraceptives, your body prepares itself each month for a possible pregnancy. The process begins with the first day of your menstrual cycle and concludes the day before your next period. Ovulation is the moment when one of your ovaries releases an ovum (egg), which will then travel through your fallopian tubes where it waits to be fertilised by a sperm cell.

What triggers ovulation?

Your menstrual cycle is tightly regulated by hormone levels in your body. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is responsible for the maturation of one or more eggs that will later be released. Then, Lutinizing Hormone (LH) is released and causes the release of one egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube. As of this moment, the egg can be fertilized if it is in contact with sperm.

In plain terms, knowing when ovulation is occurring all depends on your type of cycle. If you are regular the 14th day of your cycle will be the moment you are ovulating. Some gynaechologists say that ovulation can happen between the 14th and 16th day. However, if you are a person with an irregular cycle it's harder to determine the exact moment, which is why it's convenient to talk to a doctor about it.


What happens if I have sex during ovulation?

If you have sex when you are ovulating, there is a possibility that you will become pregnant. The egg gets fertilized in the fallopian tube, then makes its way down to the uterus, and within 12 day, implants to the side of the uterus. Obviously this isn't a guarantee and depends on many factors, such as vaginal discharge, the quality and quantity of the semen and your health. In completely healthy couples who have had no previous miscarriages, there is a good chance of pregnancy.

How is the egg fertilised?

Once the egg is released into the fallopian tube on the appropriate day of your cycle and, after having sex, the sperm must get to the right place and fertilise the egg. The fertilised egg will then go to the uterus where it will attach itself and start the process of gestation.


What happens when the egg is not fertilised?

If you do not have sex during ovulation, or you do have sex but the egg isn't fertilised successfully, then after around 24 hours it will be expelled from the fallopian tube and removed along with the rest of the bloody uterine lining in what we call menstruation.

How does the contraceptive pill work?

If you wish to begin a course of contraception, you must visit your doctor beforehand. These pills contain hormones that prevent the surge of hormones that cause ovulation. And if at the moment you are not using an oral contraceptive and you had sexual relationships without protection, find out how the morning-after pill works.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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