Consequences of Little Sleep

Consequences of Little Sleep

Sleeping is something we must all do but often we are not fully aware of how much sleep we need per night. This is because a lack of sleep has many negative consequences in us. And so, at OneHowTo. com we explain the consequences of little sleep, something to be prevented if we want to maintain a good state of health.

The importance of sleep

Sleep conditions your life. Sleeping enough is vital for the whole body because it is during sleep that many important processes take place. Most important is its restorative component, as sleeping serves to repair the body daily. Many fascinating events take place while we are asleep; our digestive system gets swept clean of build-up that may have accumulated; the blood vessels in our brain also get swept clean; it has even been shown that we strengthen whatever we have learned during the day as we sleep! If you have been studying for an important exam all day and are wondering whether you should continue studying or go to sleep, you should know that your brain will be strengthening connections you've made while studying in your sleep!

Sleeping is also a physiological necessity as it ensures the regulation of the bio-rhythms or circadian rhythm which is like your body´s internal clock. Maintaining a working internal clock is without a doubt very important in the regulation of all body functions.

Behavioral consequences of sleeping too little

The consequences of little sleep are easily recognizable through your mood. You will notice that when tired, you become more irritable, adopt a pessimistic attitude, and are prone to changes in state of mind with greater feelings of stress and anxiety.

It has been said that severe lack of sleep affects the judgement as much as alcohol does. This is why one should never drive while tired.

Physical consequences of little sleep

Similarly, not getting much sleep will affect you on a physiological level as it has an impact on the speed at which we process sugars. This can lead to increased glucose levels in the blood, and in the long term, may lead to weight gain.

In addition, a lack of sleep can compromise your immune system, making you a lot more prone to catching diseases and infections. This is why a lot of sleep is recommended when you are sick or feel like you´re getting sick.

In very severe cases, sleeping very little can include a reduction in body temperature that can lead to the emergence of arrhythmia or even cardio-respiratory stops.

Sleep deprivation consequences on learning and memory

One of the most important effects of a lack of sleep in a person is related to their memory. Sleeping little may inhibit learning, both in the short and long term, as well as the capability of memory retention. Memory formation and learning are complex brain mechanisms, and sleep plays a crucial role in solidifying memories and strengthening the learning process. This is why it is not a good idea to pull an all-nighter right before an important exam.

Decreased reaction time

Sleeping little also has an impact on your reaction time. As I'm sure you've noticed, when you're very tired, it takes longer to answer someone, solve problems, and react quickly. Again, this is why it is very dangerous to drive while tired.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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