Relieving anxiety

Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: March 31, 2019
Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety is a defense mechanism of the body which alerts the central nervous system before a threatening situation. The fear that a bad thing will happen, excess stress, the diagnosis of a disease, burdens at work and the pace of a fast lived life are the main triggers of this condition. When anxiety is present regularly and sometimes for ostensible reasons it is necessary to find solutions to prevent our quality of life from being affected. In this OneHowTo article we offer some good techniques to reduce anxiety and stress and remain calm.

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Steps to follow:


The first technique to reduce anxiety and stress is to identify what reasons has triggered it. Once aware of the root of the problem it will be possible to asses whether it is in our power to resolve it. For example, in the case of poor stress management the ideal will be to find tools to combat stress. However, when anxiety is presented as a response to a situation that we cannot control, such as an economic crisis, it is best to channel thoughts of reduced responsibility to help remain calm and so prevent the situation from deteriorating.


When faced by an anxiety crisis it is necessary to be aware that nothing wrong is happening, that it is a passing condition and that the power to stop the situation developing into something more serious lies within us. What is best is to do breathing exercises, avoid feeding negative thoughts and wait calmly and resting until the distress passes.

Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Stress - Step 2

One trick to reduce anxiety is to drink a relaxing infusion. This will help to clarify the mind and will allow your body to regain its calm and dispel the alarm. Among the best infusions to calm anxiety are linden, camomile, lavender and passiflora, among others. Most of these herbs act on the central nervous system, helping to reduce nerves.

Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Stress - Step 3

Undoubtedly, exercise is one of the best ways to reduce anxiety. You may probably already be aware that exercise stimulates the production of endorphins (the wellness hormone) and helps people drain emotions and replace anxiety with a state of satisfaction and well-being. Exercise, especially swimming, helps the brain switch off thoughts that generate stress and anxiety and therefore fosters an optimal rest and a repairing sleep.

Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Stress - Step 4

Finding a hobby is a great help to reduce anxiety. Learn a new language or do activities which are conducive to concentration, such as reading or sewing classes. These are excellent options to keep the mind busy and far from factors that can set off the alarm and its consequent anxiety. Find an activity which you like and do not doubt in dedicating all the energy necessary to make it doubly useful.

Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Stress - Step 5

Amongst useful foods to reduce anxiety, chocolate is the most notable, thanks to its great capacity to generate emotional well-being. Although it is not ideal for you to eat a bar of chocolate every day, you can rely on this sweet in emergencies to make you feel well and change your outlook.

Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Stress - Step 6

Among the many benefits of meditation on health is its ability to reduce anxiety. Meditating allows us to concentrate on ourselves, find internal peace and achieve harmony. Levels of anxiety lower considerably in people who meditate because it promotes relaxation and enables us to think about our emotions and the world around us.

Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Stress - Step 7

When anxiety is constant, without apparent cause and interferes with our daily lives, it is advisable to seek help from a specialist to determine the cause of the problem and rule out the possibility of being suffering from a widespread anxiety disorder. However, in life a person will suffer at least one anxiety attack and recover perfectly afterwards.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Stress